Toward an Authentic Social Science

Alvin Lowi, Jr.

November 20, 1998 (Revised 4-15-01)

Notes and References

1 Kenneth Silber, "A Little Bit of Heaven" REASON, November, 1998.

2David Ferguson, Director of the Tucson Center for Socionomic Research, posting on the Cactus Club Dialogue web page (, entitled "extraterrestrial property rights," 17 November. 1998.


4Karl R. Popper, CONJECTURES AND REFUTATIONS: THE GROWTH OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE (dedicated to F. A. von Hayek), Basic Books, 1962.

5A. Lowi, "RECIPROCITY AND SOCIONOMICS," Cactus Club Dialogue item, November 10, 1998 (

6 Spencer Heath, CITADEL, MARKET AND ALTAR--Emerging Society; Outline of Socionomy, the New Natural Science of Society, The Science of Society Foundation, Baltimore 1963, pages 193-194. (distributed by Spencer H. MacCallum <> dba the Heather Foundation, Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049)

7Andrew J. Galambos, "Capitalism, the Key to Survival," Free Enterprise Institute Course 100, Los Angeles, 1961.

8Henry Grady Weaver, The Mainspring of Human Progress, The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1953.

9Ludwig von Mises, HUMAN ACTION, Yale University Press, 1949.

10 Morris R. Cohen and Ernest Nagel, AN INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC AND SCIENTIFIC METHOD, Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1934.

11George Soros, THE ALCHEMY OF FINANCE--Reading the Mind of the Market, John Wiley & Sons, 1987.

12Theodore J. Lowi, THE END OF LIBERALISM: The Second Republic of the United States, Second Edition, W.W. Norton, New York, 1979. Pp. 42-61.

13Robert H. Frank, MICROECONOMICS AND BEHAVIOR, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 661-3.

14Leonard Read, ELEMENTS OF LIBERTARIAN LEADERSHIP, The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1957.

15Leonard Read, GOVERNMENT--AN IDEAL CONCEPT, The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1954.

16John R. Umbeck, A THEORY OF PROPERTY RIGHTS with Application to the California Gold Rush, available from Laissez Faire Books, 1999.

17 Frederic Bastiat, THE LAW, (Dean Russell’s translation), The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, (first printing on 100th anniversary of the publication of its first english translation), 1950.

18Spencer Heath, unpublished archive item No. 477, distributed by Spencer H. MacCallum dba the Heather Foundation, Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049.

19Percy W. Bridgman, THE NATURE OF PHYSICAL THEORY, Chapter II, "Operations," Princeton Univ. Press, 1936

20Andrew J. Galambos, WHAT IS PROPERTY?, Thrust For Freedom No. 2., The Liberal Publishing Company, Los Angeles, 1963.

21                                 , THE COMPACT OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Oxford University press, 1991.

22Spencer Heath, op. cit., p. 73.

23Spencer H. MacCallum, ART OF COMMUNITY, Institute for Humane Studies, Menlo Park, CA, 1970.

24E. C. Riegel, FLIGHT FROM INFLATION, Heather Foundation, Los Angeles, 1978. (distributed by Spencer H. MacCallum dba the Heather Foundation, Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049.)

25E. C. Riegel, THE NEW APPROACH TO FREEDOM, Heather Foundation,.San Pedro, CA, 1976. (distributed by Spencer H. MacCallum dba the Heather Foundation, Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049.), pages 20-29.

26Ludwig von Mises, BUREAUCRACY, William Hodge & Co., London, 1945.

27C. Northcote Parkinson, THE LAW, Penguin Books, 1979.

28Raphael G. Kazmann, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS--AN ENGINEERING EVALUATION, The Foundation for Economic Education. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.

29seeLEVITICUS in THE TORAH OF THE TANAKH, The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1985

30Attributed to Jesus in Matthew 7.12, THE LIFE APPLICATION STUDY BIBLE, New International Version, Tyndal House Publishers, Wheaton, Il, 1991.

31Galambos, op.cit.

32A. Lowi, "Scientific Method--In Search of Legitimate Authority in Society," Controlled Circulation Document available from the author (e-mail: a l o w i @ e a r t h l i n k . n e t), December 25, 1996.